White: Alan Gentry Black: Mike
Friendly Game, 7 March 2011
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e6 3. e4 d5 4. f3 Bb4 5. Bg5
c5 6. Bb5+ Nc6 7. Ne2 a6 8. Bc6:+ bc6: 9. O-O
cd4: 10. Qd4: c5 11. Qe5 d4 12. Nd5 1-0
... and I wasn't going to get up off the canvas
after that one.
As a postscript, in the next game Alan tried
another f3 adventure, this time a move earlier:
White: Alan Gentry Black: Mike
Friendly Game, 7 March 2011
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. f3 de4: 4. fe4: Qh4+ ...
0-1 after various further adventures.
Revenge is sweet.
- Mike
Oxfordshire League Match 2010/11
Mark Hannon got the only other draw to be
achieved in the Peter Wells apart from Gareth's.
Peter Wells Simul
Gareth Stevens from Cumnor Chess Club has
submitted his excellent draw from Peter Wells'
recent simultaneous display - one of only two
players to prevent a clean sweep by Peter.
Congratulations Gareth!
Frank Wood
Shield Rd3
Mark annotates his game against Wei Sin Tan from
the recent Frank Wood Shield match. Always good
to see a player with the objectivity to analyse
and publish one of his own losses - well done
Download this game in PGN
As many of you will know, Oxfordshire is
represented by Oxford (three teams) and Banbury
in the 4NCL - and Dave Hackett and I also play
for Swindon-based Brown Jack in the 4NCL. Sean
Terry of the Oxford City club has kindly sent me
a large collection of games from the various
matches played by the Oxford teams at the recent
4NCL weekend which you may find of interest. I
commend to you in particular Matt Rose's ending
against Yang-Fan Zhou (a 225 graded sixteen year
old!) as an example of how to find unexpected
resources in the most unpromising of positions.
You can find more information on the 4NCL, the
premier team event in the UK, on
- Mike
Download these (26) games in PGN
Oxford City 1 vs. Witney 1
- played 6th December 2010
Another tight match against City 1 in which
both teams fielded their best sides (Witney 1's
average grade 196.5, City 1's 198.4) which for a
long time we looked like losing. The less said
about my game the better; I spent a lot of time
finding a series of indifferent moves, then
blundered a pawn in a passive but defensible
position. Mark drew soon after after his
opponent managed to defuse a useful looking
initiative. So one down, with Tim and Dave in
trouble with Black and two double edged games on
the top boards. Not looking good!
Oxford City
1 |
vs. |
Witney 1 |
1 |
Rose, Matthew (220) |
0 |
- |
1 |
Wells, Peter (232) |
2 |
Manley, Jon P (202) |
0 |
- |
1 |
Richmond, Peter (203) |
3 |
Tan, Wei Sin (214) |
1 |
- |
0 |
Truran, Michael (191) |
4 |
Brown, Matthew (180) |
1 |
- |
0 |
Headlong, Timothy (188) |
5 |
Rajangam, Karlmarx (176) |
½ |
- |
½ |
Hannon, Mark (185) |
6 |
Ljubic, Ivan (-) |
½ |
- |
½ |
Hackett, Dave G (180) |
All four remaining games went down to the
last few minutes. Tim shed a pawn and got ground
down in the ending, but Peter R played
excellently to put away Jon Manley in an
exceedingly complex and tactical game. Dave hung
on heroically to draw in an endgame where he had
little time to find a series of excellent
defensive moves, leaving it to Peter W on top
board to beat Matt Rose at the third attempt
(two draws last season) in a game where both
players ran tremendously short of time (not
unusual for these time trouble aficionados).
Matt's ingenious attempt to pull off a
devilish stalemate with around five seconds left
on his clock was thwarted only by the
inconvenient presence of a remaining pawn, and
so the match was saved with less than a minute
to go to the end of the session (Peter's
remaining forty seconds or so being more than
sufficient for a man of his calibre to mop up).
Games in PGN
So a nervy 3:3 draw, leaving Witney 1 still
clear at the top of the division and with our
fate still in our own hands.
- Mike
Witney games
above in PGN |