Witney Chess Club held its annual rapidplay
tournament on 8 October at The King's School,
Witney. We decided for the first time to hold an
adults section alongside the junior event, and
its success surpassed our expectations, with no
fewer than 20 people entering. The juniors
section was also extremely well supported, with
35 boys and girls taking part.
A great (although exhausting) day was had by
all, and many thanks are due to The King's
School, to Hacketts To Go and to the controllers
(Alan Kennedy, Roger Turner, Jon D'Souza-Eva,
Tim Partridge and Mike Truran) for the provision
of an excellent venue, excellent catering
facilities and excellent organisation
For the record, Mark Hannon won the adults
section with 5½/6, with Geoff Rasell in second
place with 5/6 and Maria Mate third with 4½/6.
Liam McKnight won the juniors section with 5½/6,
with Zoe Varney and Matyas Hanisch sharing
second place with 5/6. Chloe D'Souza-Eva and
Benjamin Headlong won the U11and U9 trophies
respectively, Susana Bennett-Anton won the
controller's award and Zoe Varney and Matyas
Hanisch received the two free places in the
forthcoming Richard Palliser simultaneous
display which had been kindly donated by the
Oxford University Chess Club.
English Chess Federation Chief Executive
Officer Andrew Farthing presented the prizes,
and also presented Witney Chess Club with a
commemorative set and board in recognition of
the club winning the English Chess Federation's
Website of the Year 2011 award. Thank you
Andrew! - MT
Witney Chess Club Junior Rapidplay 2011
Final Cross Table
No Name
Total 1 2
3 4 5
1 Liam McKnight
5.5 20:W 16:W 3:W
2:W 10:W 4:D
2 Zoe Varney
5 19:W 17:W
9:W 1:L 13:W 6:W
3 Matyas Hanisch
5 30:W 6:W
1:L 22:W 8:W 11:W
4 Danial Miri
4.5 17:L 12:W 18:W 23:W
7:W 1:D
5 Chloe D'Souza-Eva
4.5 26:W 22:W 7:L 11:D
14:W 10:W
6 Ewan Hodgson
4 15:W 3:L
25:W 24:W 16:W 2:L
7 Daniel Varney
4 32:W 24:W
5:W 10:L 4:L 18:W
8 David Phillips
4 33:W 21:W 10:D
14:D 3:L 16:W
9 Tiyash Banerjee
4 23:W 18:W
2:L 16:L 19:W 17:W
10 Jake Holton
3.5 31:W 11:W 8:D
7:W 1:L 5:L
11 Alicia Cordon
3.5 25:W 10:L 20:W 5:D
15:W 3:L
12 Oliver Graham
3.5 14:W 4:L 16:L 20:W
22:W 13:D
13 Marianne Hauer
3.5 18:L 34:W 26:W 17:W
2:L 12:D
14 Isabel Hauer
3.5 12:L 35:W 27:W 8:D
5:L 24:W
15 Fred Duffen
3.5 6:L 19:W 22:D 30:W
11:L 23:W
16 Benjamin Headlong
3 27:W 1:L
12:W 9:W 6:L 8:L
17 Oscar Idle
3 4:W
2:L 21:W 13:L 27:W 9:L
18 Matthew Lock
3 13:W 9:L
4:L 28:W 21:W 7:L
19 Oliver Davenport
3 2:L 15:L
34:W 25:W 9:L 28:W
20 Joshua Soanes
3 1:L 31:W
11:L 12:L 29:W 30:W
21 Andy Manning
3 35:W 8:L
17:L 29:W 18:L 27:W
22 Susana Bennett-Anton 2.5
29:W 5:L 15:D 3:L 12:L 32:W
23 Alexander Blake-Martin 2.5
9:L 29:W 28:W 4:L 24:D 15:L
24 Dragon Sun
2.5 34:W 7:L 31:W
6:L 23:D 14:L
25 Callaghan McCarty-Snead 2.5
11:L 30:W 6:L 19:L 31:W 26:D
26 Rahul Bhatt
2.5 5:L 32:W 13:L 27:L
33:W 25:D
27 Ryan Chapman
2 16:L 33:W 14:L
26:W 17:L 21:L
28 Jenni Manning
2 0:D
0:D 23:L 18:L 34:W 19:L
29 Jake Ledbury
2 22:L 23:L
0:W 21:L 20:L 34:W
30 Freddie Basil
2 3:L 25:L
32:W 15:L 35:W 20:L
31 Armand Halgreen
2 10:L 20:L 24:L
33:W 25:L 35:W
32 Aled Osmond
1.5 7:L 26:L 30:L 35:D
0:W 22:L
33 Poppy Silk
1.5 8:L 27:L 35:D 31:L
26:L 0:W
34 Avalon-Rose Halgreen 1
24:L 13:L 19:L 0:W 28:L 29:L
35 Joshua Munn
1 21:L 14:L 33:D
32:D 30:L 31:L |
Witney Chess Club Adult (Open) Rapidplay 2011
Final Cross Table
No Name
Total 1 2
3 4 5
1 Mark Hannon
5.5 7:W 3:D 10:W
6:W 2:W 4:W
2 Geoff Rasell
5 10:W 13:W
5:W 4:W 1:L 6:W
3 Maria Mate
4.5 20:W 1:D 6:L
13:W 14:W 10:W
4 William Burt
4 9:W 15:W
8:W 2:L 5:W 1:L
5 John Yates
4 17:W 16:W
2:L 9:W 4:L 11:W
6 Calin Galateanu
3.5 0:D 14:W 3:W
1:L 7:W 2:L
7 Patrick Moss
3.5 1:L 17:W 16:D
8:W 6:L 14:W
8 Philip Hayward
3.5 0:D 21:W 4:L
7:L 16:W 13:W
9 Tamal Matilal
3.5 4:L 20:W 12:W
5:L 13:D 18:W
10 David Hewitt
3 2:L 11:W
1:L 15:W 18:W 3:L
11 Paul Bristow
3 13:L 10:L 20:W
17:W 12:W 5:L
12 Andrew Varney
3 16:L 18:W
9:L 19:W 11:L 20:W
13 Richard Weston
2.5 11:W 2:L 15:W
3:L 9:D 8:L
14 Daniel D'Souza-Eva
2.5 18:D 6:L 19:W 16:W
3:L 7:L
15 Mark Sayers
2.5 19:W 4:L 13:L 10:L
17:D 16:W
16 Erik Thornblad
1.5 12:W 5:L 7:D
14:L 8:L 15:L
17 Richard Barker
1.5 5:L 7:L 18:W
11:L 15:D 19:L
18 Stephen Belding
1.5 14:D 12:L 17:L 20:W 10:L
19 Charlie Manning
1.5 15:L 0:D 14:L 12:L
20:L 17:W
20 Ray Cordon
1 3:L
9:L 11:L 18:L 19:W 12:L
21 Tim Partridge
8:L |