20.09.2012 - Following the club AGM a
couple of weeks ago, I thought I should
circulate something about subscriptions and
English Chess Federation membership requirements
in advance of the new season.
Subscriptions are as follows, i.e. at the
same level as last season:
Adults £40.00; Juniors/senior
citizens/concessions £20.
The Old School
House and
St Bartholomew's Church |
Please pay these over to either your team
captains or directly to me, or else post them to
me at The Old Farmhouse, 7 Church Street,
Ducklington, Witney, Oxon OX29 7UA (but please
note discount point below).
Club members who will be playing in the
Oxfordshire League (so in effect pretty much all
club members) will need to join the English
Chess Federation's membership scheme. Playing
league chess will need Bronze level membership,
which costs £12.00 (adult) and £8.00 (junior) if
you sign up on line. Signing up on line is much
the easiest way to do it as far as I can see (I
did it yesterday for Joseph and it took around
three minutes); the link to the relevant part of
the English Chess Federation website is here:
If you are going to be playing congress chess
as well (for example the Witney Rapidplay or the
Kidlington Congress) you may want to consider
joining at Silver membership level instead,
which costs £18.00 (adult) and £12.00 (junior)
if you join on line. If you would prefer not to
join on line, you can contact the English Chess
Federation office on 01424 775222 - although
please note that going down this route will cost
an extra £1.00.
In recognition of the fact that the club will
no longer be paying league fees to the
Oxfordshire Chess Association under the new
English Chess Federation membership regime, I am
proposing a discount of £5.00 (adult) and £2.50
(junior) off subscriptions if, when you pay your
subscriptions, you also let me have your English
Chess Federation membership number (note that
this is NOT the same number as your grading
code). Club members who are already members of
the English Chess Federation may also claim this
discount off their subscriptions.
The new season starts on 8 October, and it
would be very helpful if I could have your
subscriptions and English Chess Federation
membership numbers by then please.
Mike Truran
20 Sept 2012