21.3.13 -
Bicester 2 vs. Witney 3

1 Burcham,
Anthony (119) 0-1 Weston, Richard
2 Earl, Chris
(121) 0-1
Turner, Roger N (126)
3 Beckett,
Daniel (130) 1-0
Kilbride-Newman, Bob (118)
4 Maddox,
Thomas (127) 1-0 Flory
Mark (117)
5 Hartmann,
Per (78) ½-½
Broome, Keith ( )
6 Corduff, Ian
0-1 Partridge, Tim R (93)
- played on 19 Mar.
Finally I get round to
writing up one of our matches.
After a blazing start to 2013
which has seen Witney 3 first avoid the
relegation battle and then guarantee 4th place
with a win over Oxford Uni and a hard earned
draw against Didcot 2 we went away to Bicester
to continue pressuring the top three teams.
The match got under way and
quickly the two middle boards were into gun
slinging territory, Bob was attempting an
audacious raid on his opponents king and Mark’s
opponent had his queen high up the board
threatening all kinds of havoc. The other boards
were gently progressing.
Despite the middle boards it
was Richard, fuming from a pothole that had
broken his car, who finished first leaving his
opponent little choice but to resign. He was
followed by Bob who’s position had unfortunately
fallen apart and his opponent worked his
position well to win his game. 1 – 1.
I didn’t see much of the
remaining games as I was for once concentrating
on my game…J….but Keith, playing as a last
minute re-enforcement, played out a good draw,
Mark was eventually ground out of position and
lost and Tim, despite missing a mate in two
(Keith’s observation), eventually beat his
opponent. 2½ – 2½.
The match tied and my game
left intensified the pressure and I was
determined not to meekly agree a draw even
though my opponent was making nasty threats.
This all turned with a well-crafted Queen move
completely shifting the balance of play. With a
sacrificial exchange of Rook for Bishop and
Pawn, which I swiftly got back, I quickly gained
a large momentum. Pressing forward I was looking
too much at my bishop and missed a mate in 2 at
move 34, however, even passing the mating
opportunity and with a couple of inaccuracies
from my opponent I soon converted my momentum to
ensure the win. 3½ – 2½.
Witney 3 have now completed
the double against all the lower teams leaving
our last three games as the toughest.
- Roger.
08.2.13 -
City 3 (Ab Sch) vs. Witney 3

1 Jeffreys,
Robert (121) ½-½ Turner, Roger N
2 English,
Andrew (109) 0-1 Kennedy, Alan
3 Reynolds,
Edward (100) 0-1 Flory Mark (117)
4 Wu, Leon
0-1 Gilders Ian (112)
5 al-Akiti,
Rafi'i ( ) 1-0 Hauer,
Isabel (94)
6 Ren, Ray ( )
1-0 Hauer, Marianne (102)
- played on 4th Feb.
In the first match of 2013,
Witney 3 has started brightly. I was first to
finish with both my opponent and myself tired
from work, although not knowing each other’s
state, we eased into an even position and agreed
a draw avoiding a long drawn out pawn, rook and
bishop ending, less than an hour played ... ;-)
The other games were into the
middle game with some interesting positions,
Marianne was the exchange down but gobbling up
pawns, Mark had a piece up, Isabel was a pawn
down and the other two games were fairly even.
As the games progressed Ian
finished with a flurry and mated his opponent in
the corner with a slick move, Isabel was still a
pawn down, Marianne taking more pawns, Mark was
starting to open his game up and Alan was
getting bogged down. Mark then made his
advantage tell and over ran his opponent to put
us 2½-½ up.
A few minutes later Alan
sacrificed a rook to gain a forced mate which he
duly converted,
game on the website, and the match was won.
Isabel failed to make any headway and eventually
lost in a long drawn out battle.
Marianne was providing a much
more exciting game, with 4 pawns to 3 up, not
sure where her other pawns went, then gave up an
entire piece leaving her 3-2 on pawns but her
opponent with a Rook. Showing confidence in her
endgame play Marianne accurately played her way
to within one move of winning but chose the
wrong move order which her opponent took
advantage of. Very well played Marianne and a
good game to learn from.
Witney 3 are now into 3rd
place and a couple of wins away from cementing
mid-table which was our target at the beginning
of the season .. :-)
- Roger.
09.11.12 -
Ox Uni 2 vs. Witney 3

1 Hewitt,
David (123) 0-1
Turner, Roger N (134)
2 Asman,
Gabriel (-) 0-1
Weston, Richard (131)
3 Thurner,
Matthias (-) 0-1 Kennedy, Alan
4 Finkelstein,
Noam (110) 0-1 Kilbride-Newman, Bob (117)
5 Coulson,
Matthew ( ) 0-1 Flory
Mark (116)
6 Gardner,
Benedict (-) 0-1 Gilders Ian
- played on 08 Nov.
Witney3 continued their good
start to the season with a comprehensive victory
over a poor University Side.
The night started well when
Bob secured a good opening and then quickly
overrunning his opponent who promptly resigned.
Mark finished next after a
good opening left him in a strong position which
moved into a pawn ending with a pawn advantage.
Mark played accurately and with two passed pawns
and his king about to pick up blacks passed pawn
his opponent resigned.
My game had been the most
normal to that point with no strong starts or
piece wins, both Richard and Ian and won their
opponents Rook on h1! And Alan was up on
material as well, when my opponent missed
leaving his Bishop en-pris and after a few swaps
was left in a weakening position. He resigned in
quick fashion.
Alan soon afterwards
completed pressurising his opponent with more
pieces gained and again his opponent threw in
the towel.
Richard and Ian were left
playing and were both soon pressing home their
advantages. Ian finished first after removing
enough of his opponents pieces to leave him with
a formality ending and his opponent soon
resigned. Richard had a more wild position but
was always in control and soon made his extra
piece count breaking through the defences and
his opponent resigned.
The first 6-0 for me as a
captain although the opposition didn’t play
well, we played very well and the match was over
just after 9:30pm!
- Roger.
31.10.12 -
Witney 3 vs. City 3 (Ab Sch)

Kilbride-Newman, Bob (117) 0-1 Jeffreys,
Robert (125)
2 Flory Mark
½-½ English, Andrew (109)
3 Truran,
Joseph (120)
½-½ Reynolds, Edward (94)
4 Asenov,
Pavel ( )
1-0 Churchman-Davies, Alex ( )
5 Hauer,
Marianne (103) ½-½
al-Akiti, Rafi'i ( )
6 Hauer,
Isabel (94)
1-0 Ren, Ray ( )
- played on 30 Oct.
The first to finish was Mark
with a steady if unspectacular draw, Pavel
played a very adventurous opening which
surprised his opponent and saw Pavel sacrifice
his queen and immediately queen a pawn by taking
a rook in the first 10 moves. He played very
accurate chess hereafter and his opponent
resigned. Marianne looked to be losing but
managed to produce a stalemate and Isabel played
well, built up an advantage and was able to
checkmate her opponent.
Bob fought bravely but was
outmanoeuvred in the end game with his opponent
up in pawns. So we were guaranteed at least a
draw. Joseph was a pawn up in a king and bishop
on opposite colours ending but could not achieve
an advantage and a draw was agreed. So it was
good to start the season with a win.
- Tim